Nature Alphabet Book

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This week, preschool and kindergarten children ran around my backyard searching for nature’s treasures in order to make and write nature alphabet books. What a blast! You can help your child write his or her own ABC book of nature. Here’s how…

DIY Nature Alphabet Book

I order blank books from Bare Books but you can always make your own book using blank pages you fold and staple.

First. write the alphabet in order, one letter per page.

Nature Alphabet Book

Next, collect natural objects you find in your backyard or the park. Use a box or bag to collect your items.

Then, see if you can identify your natural objects and write (or get help writing) these on the corresponding alphabet letter.

Later you can go back and look for things that you can’t collect like animals and bugs: ant or bird.

Nature Alphabet Book Nature Alphabet Book

Draw pictures if you want. OR, glue the nature into your book like the f for flower below.

Nature Alphabet Book

Now, your small writer has written an ABC nature book!

Nature Alphabet Book

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Also read: The Best Children’s Books About Bugs, The Best Children’s Books About Trees

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  1. I love your ideas Melissa. I came across Imagination soup through the Linked In group and it is very timely as I have an interview for a freelance training post in Family Learning tomorrow and am trying to decide on an activity to demo!