Artist Dates with Kids

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In her book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron recommends artist dates with yourself.  And I say, why not take an artist date with your child or your kids? She writes, “An artist date is a block of time, . . . committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist. . . a play date that you preplan . . . you do not take anyone on this artist date.”  On her website she says, “The Artist Date is a once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore something that interests you. The Artist Date need not be overtly “artistic”– think mischief more than mastery.

Artist Dates with Kids

Artist Dates with Kids

But I want to adapt the solo artist date and create a family artist date—a playful time for creating, imagining, dreaming.

Doesn’t that sound fun?

To prepare, I’m going to get:

  • Bare Books -you know how much I love these – and my kids go through a few a week!
  • Recycled Treasures – start saving the cool recyclables like your egg cartons, random pieces of cardboard, etc.
  • Journals – look at the dollar store and stock up
  • Yard Sale Goodies – fabric, buttons, picture frames, anything to use for creative projects
  • Pens, markers and pencils
  • Craft supplies – Play dough, beads, colorful paper, sticks, . . .

Will you join me?

Let’s nourish ourselves and our little ones this summer with writing, drawing and playing! Here are artist date ideas:

Summer Artist Dates With Your Kids

Start Your Summer Artist’s Dates With Inspiration
guest post by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, YA author of 8th Grade Super Zero

Live a Writer’s Life With Your Kids
guest post by Jennifer Cervantes, author of Tortilla Sun

Family Timeline Accordion Book
guest post by Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord, author of Handmade Books for a Healthy Planet

Make a Date With Nature
guest post by Debi Huang of Go Explore Nature

Art Journals with Kids
by Melissa Taylor

4 Art Journal Activities to Express Self
by Melissa Taylor

Big Art
by Jamie of Hands On As We Grow

Creativity Gives Children Skills for Life Part I
guest post by artist, educator and blogger, Melanie Sklarz

How You Can Encourage Your Child’s Creativity Part II
guest post by Melanie Sklarz

Engage Young Readers With Music and Art
guest post by children’s author and illustrator Bob Barner

Art and Writing as Therapy for Kids whose Parent has Cancer
by Melissa Taylor

Kids, Cameras, and Family Fun
by Melissa Taylor

Make a Collage Dream Board
by Melissa Taylor  

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  1. Hi Melissa, Just wanted to second how great this concept is. I had an artist date with my kids this week at the playground. Early morning meant less heat, fewer bugs and an empty playground. We did the rounds of the swings and monkey bars and settled down happily, each with our sketchbooks. Pure joy!

  2. Hi Melissa,
    Thanks so much for mentioning my post – I love Julia Cameron’s stuff and it looks you have put a unique spin on it!
    Happy summer! (it’s winter here in Oz, but still sunny!)
    Thanks, Joanna

  3. This is going to be a great series — I’m already getting emails from many of you who would like to contribute and be a part of inspiring ourselves as parents as we nurture our children. for those of you who want to share your ideas!
