Spark Conversations with Picture Books About Families

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Reading picture books about families makes kids feel safe and builds their empathy for other kinds of families. It’s important for children to understand about what makes a family and the different ways this can look depending on circumstances, culture, and beliefs. Reading books about families can spark meaningful conversations that will ground your children in feeling safe and knowing that they belong.

Picture Books About Families

Picture Books about Families
In Plain Sight
by Richard Jackson, illustrated by Jerry Pinkney
Every day after school, Sophie’s grandpa hides something for her to find. Usually it’s simple, a paper clip or rubber band, and it’s always in plain sight. Sophie decides to hide something for grandpa, too —  herself! Lovely illustrations throughout this picture book.

Picture Books about Families
by Stephan Lomp
Babysaurus can’t find his Mamsaurus so he asks other dinosaurs he meets if they have seen her. The dramatic black background makes the colorful dinosaurs pop in this sweet story about a Mamasaurus who was really there all along. 

Picture Books about Families
With Dad, It’s Like That
by Nadine Brun-Cosme, illustrated by Magali Le Huche
Dad does things differently than mom and it’s big fun for this little girl because who doesn’t want dessert before dinner, two bedtime stories, and three kisses? A bit stereotypical because of course, not all dads are like this at all, but I’m sure this fits for some families and would be a discussion starter on how parents parent differently.

Picture Books about Families
Home At Last
by Vera B. Williams, illustrated by Chris Raschka
Lester gets a new home with Daddy Albert and Daddy Rich with a brand-new room, a brand-new bed, a new bike, new toys. When Lester has trouble sleeping, Wincka a big, furry (lovable) dog who helps Lester feel safe and sleep at night. Very sweet!

Picture Books about Families
Mother Fox and Her Cubs
by Amadine Momenceau
Flaps and paper cutouts hide the cubs from the mother fox in this rollicking fox family hide-and-seek adventure in the woods. It’s well-done with plenty of engagement opportunities for readers.

Picture Books about Families
Little Big Girl
by Claire Keane
Matisse is a story about a little girl in a big world who has a lively life doing and making. Then she meets an even littler person, her baby brother, and learns she’s really quite big, big enough to be helpful with diapers and clothes and more. Fabulous illustrations make this new sibling and family book stand-out.

Picture Books about Families
My Little Sister and Me
by Maple Lam
Today is a big day for this big brother — he gets to walk his little sister home from the bus stop all by himself. As they journey home, you see a caring big brother and sister relationship that ends in a sweet thank you note from little sister to big brother.


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