Easy Pop-Up Books

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Combining art with writing often motivates children to write. I’ve tried different pop-up books with my classes and found it’s a prompt that often motivates kids to write.

The easiest pop-up technique is crisscrossing strips of paper.

Easy Pop-Up Books

Pop-Up Books

How to Make a Pop-Up

1. Cut two long identical strips of paper. Put one end on top of the other end so they make an “L” shape.

Easy Pop-Up Books

2. Fold the bottom strip up and over the top strip. Now the bottom strip will be on the top. The shape is still an “L”.

Easy Pop-Up Books

3. Continue criss-crossing the strips of paper over each other until you have created an interlocking springy pile. (Or whatever you want to call it.)

Easy Pop-Up Books

4. Draw a picture, cut it out and attach with tape to the top of the springy papers (I know, I’m such a word-smith.)

Easy Pop-Up Books

How to Write a Pop-Up Book

Help your child think of a simple story – what characters? what will happen? where will it be?

Artist tip: For kids who don’t like the drawing part, use stencils for your pop-up art.

Write a story at the bottom third of the pages in a blank book. (Make your own or buy one at an education store.) Use a picture book as an example.

The illustrations and pop-ups will be in the top two-thirds of each page.

Read and Reread Your Story!

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